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更新于 2020-12-29   | 浏览次数 632


来源 Science Alert

作者 Jacinta Bowler

翻译 阿金

审校 戚译引





“我们必须强调,冬眠并不总是有益健康。”古人类学家 Antonis Bartsiokas 和 Juan-Luis Arsuage 在新论文中如此写道。

“如果冬眠动物没有足够的脂肪储备,那么就可能罹患佝偻病、甲状旁腺功能亢进症(hyperparathyroidism)或纤维性骨炎(osteitis fibrosa)。这些疾病都是肾性骨营养不良的表现,符合慢性肾脏疾病症状。”

研究人员相信这可能就是一些人类祖先的最终命运——在骨头上长出深深的沟。科学家们在西班牙一处名为 Sima de los Huesos 的岩洞中发现了他们的遗骸。该洞穴位于阿塔普埃尔卡山(Sierra de Atapuerca)马约洞(Cave Mayor),那里深邃的井洞中埋藏着数量惊人的化石,考古学家们已经发现了上千块距今约 43 万年的古人类骨骼遗骸。

这个年代远早于智人(Homo sapiens)的存在,关于化石来自哪些人类祖先仍然存在一些争议,但至少其中一些是海德堡人(H. heidelbergensis)。


“青少年个体对冬眠较不耐受,证据表明他们每年在冬眠之后都会发生骨愈合,表示这一群体以年为周期经历间歇性中断的青春期。”研究人员写道,并解释说,因为没有阳光照射而引发的维生素 D 缺乏也很容易从如同“木头栅栏腐烂后的痕迹”的骨骼缺损看出来。

“冬眠假设与遗传证据一致,还符合另一个事实:Sima de los Huesos 的古人类祖先(hominins)生活在冰川期。”

研究团队的观点是:这些古人类祖先可能试图依靠睡眠度过较寒冷的月份,他们的骨骼表现出经历几个月睡眠留下的伤痕,由脂肪储备不足和维生素 D 缺乏导致,在青少年身上还出现了怪异的季节性成长井喷。





“这是非常有趣的观点,肯定会引发争论。”英国诺森比亚大学(Northumbria University)的法医人类学家 Patrick Randolph-Quinney 告诉《卫报》的 Robin McKie。

“然而,对于 Sima 古人类骨骸中看到的变化情况还存在其他解释,我们必须要经过彻底的调查才能得出实际结论。”



【论文标题】Hibernation in hominins from Atapuerca, Spain half a million years agoHibernation des hominidés d’Atapuerca, en Espagne, il y a un demi-million d’années

【论文作者】Antonis Bartsiokasa, Juan-LuisArsuagabc

【发表时间】2020 年 11 月 27 日





【论文摘要】Both animal hibernation and human renal osteodystrophy are characterized by high levels of serum parathyroid hormone. To test the hypothesis of hibernation in an extinct human species, we examined the hominin skeletal collection from Sima de los Huesos, Cave Mayor, Atapuerca, Spain, for evidence of hyperparathyroidism after a thorough review of the literature. We studied the morphology of the fossilized bones by using macrophotography, microscopy, histology and CT scanning. We found trabecular tunneling and osteitis fibrosa, subperiosteal resorption, ‘rotten fence post’ signs, brown tumours, subperiosteal new bone, chondrocalcinosis, rachitic osteoplaques and empty gaps between them, craniotabes, and beading of ribs mostly in the adolescent population of these hominins. Since many of the above lesions are pathognomonic, these extinct hominins suffered annually from renal rickets, secondary hyperparathyroidism, and renal osteodystrophy associated with Chronic Kidney Disease - Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD). We suggest these diseases were caused by poorly tolerated hibernation in dark cavernous hibernacula. This is particularly evidenced by the rachitic osteoplaques and the gaps between them in some of the adolescent individuals along with the evidence of healing mainly in the adults. The sublayers in the rachitic osteoplaques indicate bouts of arousal from hibernation. The strong projection of the external lip of the femoral trochlea, the rachitic osteoplaques with the empty gaps between them, the “rotten fence post" sign, and the evidence of annual healing also point to the presence of annually intermittent puberty in this extinct human species. The hypothesis of hibernation is consistent with the genetic evidence and the fact that the SH hominins lived during an extreme glaciation. Alternative hypotheses are examined. The present work will provide a new insight into the physiological mechanism of early human metabolism which could help in determining the life histories and physiologies of extinct human species.

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